Announcement was received yesterday, that George Babcock Cressey of the University of Syracuse, one of the world's foremost authorities on the geography of China, will give four open lectures on this subject under the auspices of the Institute of Geographical Exploration on February 9, 10 and 11.
The first lecture, on "China's Geographic Formation" (illustrated), is on Tuesday, February 9 and deals with the environmental backgrounds of the major regions. Two illustrated lectures will be given on Wednesday, February 10, the first at 4 o'clock on "Three Chinese Communities", and the second at 8 o'clock on "The Chinese-Mongolian Borderlands". In the latter Professor Cressey will discuss the conflict around the great wall between nomad and agriculturist, and current political developments in the land where China, Japan, and Russia meet.
The last lecture, on February 11, is entitled "Nature's Gift to China" and will treat of land and minerals in their eologic and economic setting.
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