
Lining Them Up


Today is the first of the several end-of-the winter Saturday's in which Harvard atheistic teams tackle the Elis; the basketball and hockey teams have gone to New Haven to do their best to disrupt the equilibrium of the Bulldog's joyful Prom weekend, while here in Cambridge the Squash team will vie with the Elis, and the track team will run, throw or jump against them along with Cornell and Dartmouth.

One of the outstanding matches here in Cambridge comes tomorrow afternoon at the University Courts at 2.30 o'clock. There the Crimson racquetmen will face the climax opposition of the whole year when they tackle Yale, and some of the matches which will be played promise to provide plenty of fireworks. At the present, due to the illness of Harry Cowles, John Barnaby is coaching the squashmen, and he has a powerful "A" team that certainly stands more than an even chance to win this, their objective meet.

Leading this outfit out onto the courts will be Dick Dorson, another of the outstanding string of crackerjack Harvard squash players. a member of the "A" team last year, Dorson went down to the Merion Cricket Club in Philadelphia recently to take part in the National Intercollegiate Championships. Great was the general surprise when this capable senior following in Germaine Glidden's footsteps, walked off with the championship, to become the fourth Harvard man who has gained the honor in the last six years.

Today he faces stiff opposition none the loss. His opponent is Buell Hollister, and though the Eli was not so fortunate at Philadelphia, he is the Connecticut State Champion, and will prove to be a formidable opponent. The boys here from New Haven who have followed Hollister's playing feel that he is capable of toppling the favored Crimson leader, an event that would go a long way towards getting for the Elis revenge for their last year's 7-2 defeat.

In the number two match, Alvah Sulloway will face Rynn Berry, and the other Crimson men in this team contest will be Johnny Develin, Daniel Burbank, George Blake, Daniel Keyes, Bob Easton, Carl Oakman and Hendrik De Kruiff. The Yardling racqueteers will be led by Middlesex graduate Kim Canavarro, and St. Paul's and Belmont Hill each contribute two men to the team, yachtsman Jim Rousmaniere and Vincent Freedley from the New Hampshire academy and Charley Whiting and Bill Wood from the hill school.


As Dorson's match with Hollister will be the feature of the squash match, so the attempt of Win Pettingell to upset pole vault champion Bill Harding will be a feature of the Quadrangular track meet in the Garden. The Crimson lad has done 13 feet 6 inches once this year, in the B.A.A. games; but he will have to step higher tonight to keep up with the Eli star who barely missed two of his tries at 14 feet in the Millrose games. It will be an interesting event, for while everyone expects that Harding will repeat, the Harvard Junior is coming fast, and perhaps tonight will be the night he soars still higher than 13' 6".

In the New Haven arena the undertaker's song has been sung for the benefit of outclassed Crimson hockey teams by Prom-happy Elis on many occasions. But tonight will not be one of these, for the Stubbs-Ford sextet is on the rebound from Washington's Birthday at the Forum, and Yale is the only possible vent for their wrath. McGill had a great team and they deserved to end the 20 game streak of the Crimson team; but it was the breaks that gave the Redmen such a high score, and this outfit excepted, Harvard certainly has the best College hockey team in America. Yale his a distinctly mediocre six; the result of the clash should see George Ford, Austie Harding, Traf Hicks and their mates mopping up the ice to the tune of a two-digit score.

The basketball game is a most crucial contest of the League with second place in the offing for the winner. Despite its pairs of defeats from Penn and Dartmouth, the Crimson five showed improved play with the Lions, and they should be definately in the running against the up-and-coming Elis. That Columbia game saw the Harvard team displaying some of the best play we have seen in the Indoor Athletic Building since the 38-36 Pennsylvania thriller, and the same brand of play was continued as the five swamped the Jumbos at Medford Thursday. The second game of the Yale series, on March 13, will form part of a doubleheader that features the swimming meet with the Elis to boot.

The swimmers will roll on towards Yale by sinking the mediocre Quakers, and from New Haven comes the word that the Elis are ready to offer good odds that their team will continue its long, long victory streak when it faces the Crimson in a meet that is assuming the proportions of the Yale Bowl jinx . . . . the confident, Varsity grapplers face a mediocre Yale team on the Medford mat and Harvey Ross faces the best wrestler in New England at his weight in the Jumbo 118 pound matman . . . . the Polo team will also be at New Haven against the Elis.
