Greenhouses of the Botanical Gardena have been abandoned and the plants sent to various institutions, said Elmer D. Morrill, Administrator of the Botanical Collections in his annual report issued today.
The abandonment was caused by budgetary restrictions. Most of the plants were sent to Atkin's Institution in Cuba, the roof green houses of the Biological Laboratory, and the Bussey Institution. The remaining stock was presented to Massachusetts State College, Boston Teachers College, Wellesly College, and the Boston Park Department.
The Herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum was increased by important collections from China, Malaysia, India, Australia, Africa, Mexico, Central America, and South America. The additions of 21,000 specimens brought the Herbarium total to 430,000 mounted sheets.
The Botanic Garden has been thoroughly inspected and replanted by botanists. With the aid of the Arboretum staff, 13 large moribund trees were removed. Considrable renovation and replanting was done in the garden of the Gray Herbarium.
The Arnold has been undergoing general renovation with approximately 600 new trees having been added to the permanent plantings.
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