

Lightbody a Brilliant Prospect; Jaakko Expects Much of Crack Relay Team in Quadrangular Meet; MacIsaac, Downing, Fernald, and Mason Stand Out

The Freshman mile relay is a special feature in every year's Quadrangular Meet. Not only does this added attraction provide another highly exciting race, but it also gives track enthusiasts an opportunity to see probable members of future Varsity teams perform. This Saturday, Garden fans will see a Harvard Freshman relay team, anchored by Jim Lightbody, Jr., which, despite the loss of two of its regular members by injury, will give one of the best performances in years.

At the last moment Coaches Neufeld and Mikkola decided to enter a heretofore nonexistent Freshman relay team in the B.A.A. Meet held in the Boston Garden on February 13. Consisting of Light body, Torbert MacDonald, Rock Hollands, and Hobart Lerner, the relay team not only entered against Dartmouth, Holy Cross and Boston College Freshmen, but won the race in record time. To Light body go special honors: his 50-second quarter brought victory to the Cambridge Freshman contingent.

In Quad Meet Saturday

For the second time, this Saturday, the Freshmen will be represented on the boards. With Lerner and Hollands out with leg injuries, this Saturday's team will consist of Light body, MacDonald, Mason Fernald, and Sherman Hoar. If Light body and MacDonald can repeat their respective 50 and 52-second quarters, and Fernald and Hoar perform up to expectations, the team will in all probability come home with the medal.

The Freshman winter track schedule is scarcely under way before it is all over, but already reports are being confirmed that this year's is the best in many. With Exeter and Andover, the only two meets of the season, under their spikes, the Freshmen have already two new records to their credit with two other former records equaled.


From Glencoe, Illinois, comes Jim Light body, Jr., a middle distance man whose father was an Olympic champion of 1906. In the Andover meet on February 6 Light body broke the 600-yard run records of both Andover and Harvard, running the distance in the exceptionally good time of 1 min., 17 3-5 sec. In the same afternoon Light body also won he 300. Sports writers predict a future for Freshman Light body more brilliant even than that of his famous father.

In the shot put big George Downing leads the field with heaves consistently over 52 feet. Captain of Exeter's track team last year he is pushing the shot out two feet further this year than ever before. He, too, broke Andover, Exeter, and Harvard Freshman records this winter. Witness his superior performance of 53 ft., 6 in. in the Exeter meet of January 13. Nat Heard, out of both meets with pneumonia, promises to be a close runner-up to Downing.

For versatility and excellence Mason Fernald is outstanding. Against Andover three weeks ago he tied the record for the 40-yard high hurdles, and at Exeter a week later he placed in four events, winning three of them, placing second in the other, and in addition ran in the winning relay that substituted for the B.A.A. relay team.
