For the first time in its history, the Phillips Brooks House Association has announced a competition for membership to its Social Service Committee.
Freshmen and Sophomores are eligible to become candidates, the first meeting of whom will be held Wednesday, February 24, at 7:30 o'clock at Brooks House. Hitherto membership in the Committee has been determined through no special routine, but this year a competition, lasting one week, will determine the best qualified men for the position.
Through the Social Service Committee the Phillips Brooks House does its most constructive work outside the University. Through it are furnished over 150 graduates and undergraduates to do personnel work for charity organizations, clinics, and the twenty settlement houses of the Greater Boston area.
Grenfell Mission Selection
Robert J. Calihan '40 and Socor D. Browne '38 were chosen for summer work with the Grenfell Mission in Labrador, it was announced yesterday by Phillips Brooks House.
The selection was based on recommendations of the Mission Committee, which interviewed each of fifteen candidates personally. A third worker will be chosen from students in the Dental School.
Calihan and Browne will sail from Portland, Maine, about the 20th of June on the schooner "George B. Cluett" and will return about the first week of September. Brooks House will pay each $250 for the summer's work.
Any other student interested in such a vacation experience with the Mission may accompany the party at his own expense. Raymond Dennett '36, Graduate Secretary of the Phillips Brooks House, will explain details of the trip to prospective adventurers.
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R.O.T.C. Instrument Missing Since Drill