Payson S. Wild, assistant professor of Government and noted authority on international law has been secured as speaker at a dinner for delegates to the Model League of Nations on Friday evening, March 12, it was announced yesterday. It is expected that he will discuss some subject connected with world peace and the work of the League.
Coincident with this announcement came the news that six new countries have been added to the list of nations which Harvard will represent in the session on March 12 and 13. In addition to Poland, the chief country to be represented, delegations of six Harvard men each will be sent from Esthonia, Honduras, Iraq, Lativia, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
With bibliographic for preparation due to be issued in a few days, all undergraduates interested in taking part in the coming session of the League, whether as delegates or as unofficial observers, are urged to make application at once, since only a limited number of places remain available. Those interested should see Lyman B. Burbank '38, J-33 Winthrop House.
A unique feature on the program this year will be a meeting of the Governing Board of the International Labor Organization on the morning of the second day of the session. The ceremonies will end that afternoon with a tea dance sponsored by Radcliffe from 4 to 7 o'clock.
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