
Hoopsters Seek Revenge at Hanover; 1940 Rink, Pool, Mat Meets Carded

Freshman Pucksters to Try Luck Against Arlington High This Afternoon

HARVARD '40  ARLINGTON HIGH Ervin, l.w.  r.w., Babine Winslow, c.  c., Chipman Eaton, r.w.  l.w., Duffy Roosevelt, l.d.  r.d., Cousins Francis, r.d.  l.d., Blanchard Freedley, g.  g., Dutton

Clark Hodder's comparatively weak Yardling hockey team will face Arlington this afternoon in the Boston Arena at 2:45 o'clock. The Freshmen had been undefeated until day before yesterday, when they fell before B.U. by a count of 5-4. The hardest test of the team will come on Washington's Birthday when they face Dartmouth at Hanover.

Among the others whom Hodder will call upon will be Gorham, Perkins, Coleman, Wood, Ogle, Grace, Graves, dePourtales and Rousmaniere.
