
135 Sign for Trip To Montreal Via Crimson Special


"On to Montreal" is the spirit shown in surprising strength by the 135 people who have already reserved places on the CRIMSON SPECIAL bound for the Montreal and McGill hockey games over the weekend. More than five complete cars have been filled already, and Boston and Maine officials expect to add at least three or four more cars to the SPECIAL.

Two Games

A chance to see the championship games between Harvard and Montreal on Saturday night and the Crimson-McGill contest on Monday night seem to be the chief reasons most passengers on the CRIMSON SPECIAL have for making the "long weekend" jaunt.

Friday to Tuesday

Plans are final now and arrangements are complete for the round trip which costs but $11.00 in an upper berth or $11.75 in a lower. The SPECIAL will pull out of Boston at 8 o'clock Friday night and make a special stop in Cambridge at 8:38 o'clock. Immediately following the game Monday night a train will leave Montreal and pull into the North Station in Boston Tuesday morning around 8 o'clock, which will give everyone a chance to get back for a 9 o'clock class.



Tickets may be had by applying to the B & M ticket office, the CRIMSON, or to Mr. Getchell at the H.A.A.
