Broadcasting over the coast-to-coast long-wave network of the Columbia Broadcasting System and over a shortwave station to France, 34 picked membes of the Glee Club will present a half-hour program sponsored by the Ministre de Poste, Telephone, et Telegraphic of France on Thursday afternoon from 3:30 to 4 o'clock.
The French Minister of Communications, who is Musical Director at the University of Dijon as well, wrote to the officers of the CBS to suggest a joint concert for the furthering of cultural relations between France and the United States, and promised that the Chorale Universitaire would present their program at some date after the American broadcast. It was left to the Columbia executives to choose the "outstanding university chorus" in the country.
Announcements in French
All announcements will be made in French by a member of the Glee Club, H. Lane Blackwell '39, and will be translated into English by Marcel Francon, instructor in Romanco Languages.
The Glee Club's program will include: two Italian folk songs; a French selection, "Les Anges"; a chorus from "Orpheus" by Gluck; "Tutti Venite Amati"; choruses from Gilbert and Sullivan's "Patienco"; "Glorious Apollo"; and "O Domine Jesu Christi" by Joachim Des Pres.
G. Wallace Woodworth '24 will direct the concert, with Irving G. Fine '37 and William W. Austin '39 as accompanists.
Previous Relations With Dijon
In 1921 the Glee Club, under the direction of Archibald T. Davison, prefessor of Choral Music, made a trip to France partly sponsored by the French Government and presented a concert on the Place D'Arey in Dijon. The singers received a very cordial greeting from the students and faculty there, and Dr. Davison was awarded the Academic Palm by the French Government
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