
Conant, Dodds, and Angell Join In Praising H-Y-P Conference To Be Held Here in Two Weeks

Interested Applicants Can Be Placed at Tables if They Are Qualified

With the Harvard-Yale-Princeton Conference scheduled to be held in Cambridge on February 26 and 27 less than two weeks away, the Presidents of the three institutions concerned issued statements last evening praising the Conference as a "lesson to those who despair of democracy."

President Conant in a letter to the CRIMSON said: "I greatly appreciate the CRIMSON'S invitation to attend the meetings of the Harvard-Yale-Princeton conference on public affairs. I shall certainly endeavor to be present at as many of the sessions as possible and you can count on me for the dinner Friday evening. I think the editors of the CRIMSON, the Yale News, and the Princetonian are to be congratulated both on conceiving the idea of this annual conference of Undergraduates and men of affairs and also in their success in providing such an interesting list of participants."

Harold W. Dodds, President of Princeton, declared: "In this era of such rapid extension of the functions of the state throughout the civilized world, of times with little pause to consider all the circumstances, conferences organized along the principles of this one are of unique value. The method by which controversial matters are approached and disposed of is a lesson to those who despair of democracy."

Interviewed last evening in New Haven, President James R. Angell of Yale said: "The Harvard-Yale-Princeton conference should certainly be encouraged, and I hope it is as well attended and successful this year as it was last."

Undergraduate positions at the various round tables are not yet completely filled, and any students interested should call at the CRIMSON building on Plympton Street as soon as possible to secure details and sign to be placed at the table for which they are best qualified.


Complete bibliographies for the discussions, and agendas for the topics under consideration will be supplied when students apply.
