The second competition for the Business Board of the CRIMSON will open next Wednesday evening, and is open to all Freshmen and Sophomores. It offers to a degree attained by no other activity in the University an opportunity to secure practical business experience as well as a not inconsiderable income.
Candidates inevitably find the competition to be basically one of experience, that is, in how to meet and deal with all types of people, how to acquire a practical and business-like outlook, and perhaps most of all, how to really enjoy to the full an activity which is completely voluntary.
Certain obvious advantages are apparent in this particular competition over others which may be offered. For one thing, there is absolutely no required night work. The various jobs assigned to the candidates may be easily performed in spare time during the day, and there is always enough variety in the work to make it exceedingly interesting. The desire to do a good job is given first consideration and a pure money total is by no means the sole factor in deciding a man's fitness to become a member of the board. It should be especially noted that once an editor, there is an excellent chance at a most attractive salary.
The CRIMSON does thousands of dollars worth of business annually, and since the return of prosperity, the profits have been quite sizeable and bid fair to continue so. The greater portion of the profits is distributed to the members of the board in the form of salaries, and it is the Business Board in particular which is responsible for the accumulation and distribution of these funds.
The Business Board is exceedingly desirous of taking on several men who are anxious to become editors of the CRIMSON and who will thus share in its returns. It is hoped that anyone who has any interest in acquiring practical business experience and in enjoying the most interesting of extra-curricular activities while in College, will not heritable to come to the CRIMSON building on 14 Plympton St. next Wednesday evening to meet the members of the Business Board and to discuss the competition.
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