
Winant, Morgenthau, Lubin Head List of 40 in Government or Business Coming to Conference

Over 100 Men In All Have Been Contacted for Public Affairs Meeting

Excluding members of the three faculties over 100 prominent men have been contacted in drawing up the personnel of the second annual H-Y-P Conference on Public Affairs. Approximately 40 are either definitely coming or are awaiting to see whether or not other engagements will make their attendance possible.

Beside those who have answered and those who are uncertain, there is a large number of men who have been asked but have not yet replied. Only about 30 have refused outright.

Table 1

For Table No. 1, "The Maintenance of Employment," 15 people have been written or interviewed. Those who have accepted definitely are: Dr. Isador Lubin, economist, at present U.S.Commissioner of Labor Statistics; Frank W. Pierce, exeutive assistant to Walter Teagle, president of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey; Robert J. Watt, secretary of the Massachusetts Federation of Labor; Ex-Governor Winant, head of the Social Security Board; and Royal Parkinson, manager of personnel activities of the American Optical Company.

Table 2


For Table No. 2, "The Regulation of Competitive Enterprise," about 25 men have been written to or seen. A very large number of prominent industrialisis refused; at least half of them-were taking their annual vacation in Georgia and the others second to feel the necessity to visit their Western branch offices. Commissioners who feel ready to talk about the regulation of business are also hard to find. To date, however, acceptances have been received from Adolph A. Berle '13, lawyer, professor, business executive and present Chamberlain of New York City; James W. Hook, president of the Geometrical Tool Company of New Haven and a member of President Hoover's National Organization of Unemployment Relief, and Charles W. Kellogg, chairman of the Board of The Engineers Public Service Corporation. Beside these three, a large number of men are still unheard from; more business men have been queried with regard to this table than any two others.

Table 3

On the third table, "The Control of Currency and Credit", a strong delegation from the Government has already accepted, and four private bankers are still indefinite. Those who have agreed to come are: Dr. Lauchlin Currie, assistant director of research and statistics of the Federal Reserve Board, Dr. Emanuel A. Goldenweiser, director of research and statistics, of the Federal Reserve Board, Russell C. Leffingwell, Morgan Partner, and Henry Morgenthau Jr., Secretary of the Treasury.

Table 4

The fourth table will discuss the question of State-Federal relationships, particularly with relation to the State regulation of public utilities and the State's ability to assist agriculture, For this table Milburn L. Wilson, Under-Secretary of Agriculture, had accepted but last night telegraphed that he would be unable to come due to the press of official business. Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, of the Brookings Institute, and Robert Amory, president of the Nashua Manufacturing Company, have accepted to attend the table.

Table 5

The last of the tables will concern itself with the problems of "Federal Revenue and Expenditure," Secretary Morgenthan has promised to send three of the New Dealers of the Treasury Department, Dr. Hass, Herman Ollphant. general counsel for the Treasury, and Dr. White. Henry F. Long, commissioner of Corporations of Massachusette, has also replied in the affirmative to an invitation to join in the discussion.
