
Two Rembrandt Pictures Stolen From Fogg Museum; Second Theft in Year

Valuable Pen and Ink Drawings Taken Monday--National Search Begins

The second theft within a year at the Fogg Art Museum took place last Monday, when two valuable pen and ink sketches by Rembrandt were stolen. Police and art dealers have been notified of the robbery by two directors of the Museum, Professor Edward W. Forbes '95, and Professor Paul J. Sachs '00, who owned the drawings.

The two pictures, "Woman Carrying a Child," and "Children Playing Rummel-Pot," were both in pen and ink on white paper. The first was 4 3-4 by 2 7-8 and in a small, simply carved, antique, gold frame, while the second was 6 7-8 by 4 5-8 and was also inclosed in an antique, gold frame, with carved design.

Letters were sent by the directors to art dealers in the hope that the thief would try to dispose of the pictures. The statuette of a deer, stolen last Spring, has never been recovered, despite a nation-wide search.
