
Foiled Theft Brings Prompt Action; Foolproof Mail Box Finally Installed

Maintenance Masterpiece Saves Yard Mail Carrier's Conscience; All Done Minus Mirrors

Mind has at last triumphed over matter, and the Maintenance Department has finally interceded to settle a mail box crisis in the basement of University Hall.

Moving with all the precision that will be required to end the General Motors strike, minions of the Maintenance division quietly removed the door from University A, lock, offending slot, and all, and took it to their laboratories for study.

Action on the matter was only obtained after publication of a photograph of an attempted robbery in the building. The picture was snapped by a CRIMSON staff camera put into operation by the thief as he attempted to force an entrance. This goaded officials into quick action.

Six hours of intensive research, and elementary carpentry produced a fool proof "thing" by means of which mail, packages, and whatever else the fates may bring can be deposited inside the office without (1) the postman unlocking the door, (2) allowing a trespasser (see cut) to remove the mail, or (3) cutting a hole in the door the size of which would undermine the building. (Check one of these three).

Now the postman pulls out part of the door, places his burden on the resulting shelf, and replaces the secret panel. When he looks again everything is gone, and nobody can reach in or out, the door can't be unlocked (unless you are pretty good at that sort of thing) and finally the postman will not be forced to violate either his conscience or his union rules, which evidently forbid his using a key.


Meanwhile another branch of the University hierarchy is combing the woods for the snatch artist who broke into the door before it was fixed. Microscopic work on the picture reveal that both the coat and sweater that are visible were purchased in a Southern city, probably Atlanta, Georgia, and it is claimed that the culprit is already known and can save himself several years if he will give himself up quietly.

Otherwise, officials promised, warrants will be issued and the resulting seandal from the a rest of the prominent student suspected will rock the University just as Brookline has been rocked by an investigation along slightly different lines
