
The Crime


Wandering aimlessly down Boylston Street in the heart of the throbbing Hub, our attention was drawn to a rather meretricious display in the window of a corset shop. Being a disciple of the Freudian school, and having no inhibitions whatsoever, we slyly sidled over to the window to have a look at the very shapely and attractive wax models displaying the latest in feminine scanties.

We glanced at the name on the window of the establishment and beheld the inscription: "IVY CORSET SHOPPE." Frankly, the name stumped us. Ivy is a beautiful plant, and corsets make women more beautiful. Was this the relation the Shoppe was trying to imply, we wondered? We fingered a two-day beard, feeling very masculine, slightly superior, but still very puzzled.

As we turned to leave, still in a bewildered state, but trying to appear nonchalant, our eye caught the small inscription in neat gold letters: "IT CLINGS." Then we knew.
