

Although the Harvard Employment Office has been occupied all Fall with the problems of the Seniors, it also is of great help to Juniors and Sophomores who have taken advantage of the opportunities which it offers. For such students it is very useful to discuss the problems of a vocation well in advance, as they will be able to talk more effectively with prospective employers when the time comes.

A careful decision on the all-important matter of future permanent employment can rarely be made in one or two months, and the man that is able to think about the problem off and on for several years, may make a better decision than one who fails to think about it until the last minute. The Employment Office has discovered that it can render more effective service to the student whose ideas and abilities it knows best. It is harder to give sound advice to an individual who comes into the Office for the first time and inquires about a job, than it is to a person who has called more frequently and discussed his problems freely.

The Sophomore or Junior who gets in touch with the Employment Office, very often will have an opportunity to work in companies or factories in the summer, which work may aid him in his later decisions. Then in his Senior year when he interviews various employers, he will not only have this past experience as recommendation, but will have made up his mind more definitely as to what sort of employment interests him the most. The man who gives the impression of knowing his own mind is apt to make the best impression on the person who interviews him, and the importance of this first impression can not be over estimated.

The Sophomore or Junior who avails himself of the opportunities of the Employment Office will help himself, as well as aid the Office in preparing him for and finding him the job most suited to his tastes and abilities.
