
Lining Them Up


When the Yardlings take the floor against M.I.T. Wednesday evening in the season's curtain-raiser, the spectators are going to be able to product the outcome with as much chance of hitting the nail on the head on the head as Coach Skip Stahley himself.

This 1937 edition is still in the making, and it is a real unknown quantity. The five men who start against the Engineers will have had little experience playing as a unit. Consequently Skip is not expecting too much in the way of A-1 basketball in this first fray.

But he admits that he might be wrong even on this. From a large squad of 55, Skip has picked 18 men who can handle the ball easily and find the hoop with regularity, but whether they top the average is anybody's guess.

Hypothetical Quintet Picked


In the process of applying the axe in pro-season sessions, he has had little chance to concentrate on building a coordinated unit for the Tech game. Only Friday he made the last slash in the roster.

What may or may not be the quintet to battle the Engineers scrimmaged the Varsity Friday afternoon. At the forward posts were rangy Harold Lubchansky and Gene Lovett, one of Skip's footballers.

Homer Peabody, whose 6 feet, 2 inches should prove a help on rebounds, got the call for the center spot. Wally Chessman and Ray Holt filled the guard positions.

Stahley Hopeful But Not Content

At the end of a very ragged scrimmage, Skip was none too feverish over their prospects, but he was by no means disappointed. He ascribed a good deal of the lack of teamwork against, the Varsity to the short time they had been together. In fact, he even went so far as to say that the team has definite promise, and that he hopes they will have arrived before the second or third game.

And arrive they must, for there are some very tough encounters in the offing. Northeastern comes to town for the second game, and if her undefeated team last year is any indication, there is heavy weather ahead for Stahley's cagers.

Boston University A Threat

On the basis of advance notices, the bumpiest spots in the schedule seem to be the tussles with Dartmouth, Boston University, Andover, and Yale. When Skip mentioned B.U., his voice actually quavered.

As for the Elis, ugly rumors about them have already to begun to circulate. They have a nucleus of three Andover stars who are the best the prep school has ever turned out.

Hard Winter Ahead

With a hard-working squad composed of guards like Bryan Smith, Bud James, and Ernest Simpson to make it hot for the regulars, and wiry Charley Brackett to battle it out with Peabody for the center job, there is sure to be plenty of pep.

Whatever their prospects, they play Wednesday night. Take Skip's word for it; they may pull some fast ones.
