
Dramatic Club's Fifty-Fifth Production Starts Tonight

"Straight Scotch" Begins Five-Day Run in Peabody Playhouse

Tonight at the Peabody Playhouse the Dramatic Club presents as its fifty-fifth production "Straight Scotch" a drama in three acts, by Francis R. Hart, Jr. '27. The play will continue in Boston throughout the week, winding up with a final show on Saturday.

Richard Whittemore '40 plays the leading role aided by Miriam Clark, of Chestnut Hill, who has the main feminine part.

Supporting are: James J. Storrow '40, Henry B. Buckman '38, Jonas Muller '40, Walter Webster '39, Samuel R. Sheppard '40, William H. Judd, Jr. '38, Robert A. Markewich '40, Charles D. Griffith '40, and Norton Goodwin '38.

After its Boston performance, the show will tour to Worcester, North-ampton, Englewood, New Jersey, and Hamilton, Bermuda, where it will occupy the Bermuda Opera House.

About ten dogs, all scottics except for one Sealyham, are called for in the script, along with a small brood of hens, a turkey gobbler, and two dead chickens.
