Free public lectures on medical subjects will be offered by the Medical School Sunday afternoons at 4 o'clock beginning January 9 and continuing until March 27.
The schedule of speakers and their subjects follow:
January 9, Harry R. De Silva, lecturer on Motor Vehicles Administration, "Men, Motor Cars, and Alcohol"; January 16, Shields Warren, assistant professor of Pathology, "Cancer"; January 23, Paul E. Boyle, instructor in Pathology, "Teeth"; January 30, Frederick E. Russel, professor of Preventive Medicine, "Progress in Preventive Medicine";
February 6, Maxwell Finland '22, instructor in Medicine, "Colds, Influenza, and Pneumonia"; February 13, John Rock '14, assistant in Gynaecology, "Menstrual Disorders and the Menopause" (for women only); February 20, F. Dennette Adams, instructor in Medicine, "Overweight and Underweight"; February 27, Channing Frothingham '02, Overseer, and Richard H. Miller '04, clinical professor of Surgery, "Pain in the Abdomen";
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P. B. K. Inducts