
Gastro-Intestinal Cases Rocket to 50; Yardlings Chief Victims of Epidemic

Fifty students, 90 per cent of them Freshmen, presented cases of gastro-intestinal upsets to doctors at the Hygiene Building yesterday. Other students were reported confined in their rooms.

"There is no evidence that this illness is a serious thing," Dr. Michael E. Murray, Jr., Assistant Medical Adviser, said. An illness of this kind lasts from three to four days. Symptoms include cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and perhaps fever.

That all the cases were "very mild" is indicated by the fact that only five of the fifty cases were sent to the Stillman Infirmary, Dr. Murray stated. The other forty-five as well as those who are not seriously ill should attend classes, he said.

Stillman now has more than its usual number of patients, and it has been necessary to open the other wing of the building in order to accomodate the incomers, who make a total of 35. No new cases appeared after the close of Hygiene Building at 5 o'clock yesterday.

Recently in the Boston area similar cases have been noted. Gastro-intestinal complaints were first brought to the attention of doctors at the Hygiene Building Tuesday evening when three came in. The remainder came in yesterday forenoon and early afternoon.


No causes of the illness have been discovered, although many Freshmen blame their indispositions on Union food. No proof, however, has been advanced to prove that the food served at supper Tuesday was at fault. Dr. Edward G. Huber of the School of Public Health will investigate possible sources of the infection at the Union Dining Halls.
