
The Music Box

Hoifetz Will Play Two Concerts with Boston Symphony Today and Tomorrow

Admirers of Jascha Heifetz will have the unusual privilege of hearing him play two full violin concertos on the same program, either this afternoon or tomorrow evening.

Appearing as soloist with the Boston Symphony orchestra in their regular week-end concerts, Mr. Heifltz will offer the first presentation in America of Serge Prokofleff's Second Violin Concerto. This work was originally performed in Madrid in 1935, the year of its composition.

The Violin Concerto of Brahms in D major will also be performed by Mr. Heifetz. The last performance of the Concerto in the Friday and Saturday series was in the spring of 1931, when Nathan Milstein was the soloist.

Dr. Koussevitzky will open the program with a work by Michael Starokadomsky, a composer of Soviet Russia whose music has recently come to the attention of the western world. It is a concerto for orchestra in three movements, performed as a feature of the Festival of Contemporary Music in Paris last June.

Holsinki Chorus Coming


The Glee Club will play host to the Helsinki University Chorus in its first visit to America after Christmas. Its schedule includes appearances with the Doston Symphony Orchestra (December 31--January 1) and a concert of their own in Symphony Hall on Sunday afternoon, January 9, at 3:30 o'clock.

The chorus, consisting of students and graduates of the University in the Capital of Finland, is conducted by Martti Turunon. The organization is more than a half century old and has long had an active part in the musical life of Finland, having inspired numerous compositions by Sibelius.

Two choral works of Sibelius will be performed with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. At the concert of January 9, the music of Sibelius and other Finnish composers will be presented.

Members of the Chorus will be accommodated in the suites of Glee Club men, and there will be a banquot (followed by informal singing) in Adams House after vacation for the two organizations.
