
Mother Advocate Discovers Syphilis No Cause for Worry for Hygiene Heads

Sex Problem Affected by Harvard Indifference, Solved by Psychology

Syphilis and gonorrhea present no problem to vigilant Hygiene Department officials, says Mother Advocate in its latest issue, out today, after exhaustive research proved that "sex is the least important" of Undergraduate mal-adjustments here.

Analysis by Jeffrey Fuller '38, David Parry '38, and Alvah Sulloway '38 reveals "incidents of venereal disease in Harvard University to be about 50 a year, of which not more than four are syphilis."

Hits One Percent Low

Citing that according to national figures one out of every ten is stricken with the curse the feature writers point with pride to the fact that 50 cases in 8,000 makes the annual figure less than one percent. But just like everything else the sex issue has been corrupted by the proverbial Harvard indifference.

The article as a whole deals with the problems that are facing the Hygiene Department and the realistic approach of Dr. Bock to these.


Lamenting that "Undergraduates at Harvard more than any other university seem to find social contacts beyond the college walls difficult to arrange," the investigators add: "One may seek release with the stenographers and manicurists that he finds at the Normandie or Raymor.

"Another, more desperate, may resort to even less polite alternatives. Their individual case-histories would fill volumes. These social malcontents comprise a large fraction of the Undergraduates. What of them?"

Sex Frigld Hero

Though Froud believed sex was the root of all mental disturbances, the Hygiene Department "considers most problems of sex to be an outgrowth of more extensive psychological disorders." Decidedly, Harvard sex cuts little ice.

"The real Harvard indifference is not a contempt of so-called collegiate enthusiasm; its more serious manifestation is indifference towards human personality. . . . Most cases of maladjustment at Harvard are influenced directly or indirectly by this atmosphere of indifference."

Investigation by a woman who was surveying many colleges caused a roundup of 20 Undergraduates for cross-examining. "Although her figure plainly fell somewhere between the categories of the pseudo-scientific and the merely sexy," guise of research was maintained.
