Announcement of the patronesses and ushers for Saturday's Freshman Dance came last night from Langdon P. Marvin '41, Union Committee chairman.
Mrs. Delmar Leighton will act as head patroness. She will be assisted by Mrs. James B. Conant, Mrs. Kendric N. Marshall, Mrs. Ralph Hornblower, and Mrs. Richard Eustis.
The ushers, which were selected by the Committee from a representative cross-section of the Freshman class are:
From 8:30 till 10:30 o'clock: Ivor Catlin, Hubert P. Earle, Robert A. Fearey, Patrick Henry, Christian A. Herter, Jr., Stacey B. Hulse, Jr., and Edward C. P. Thomas. From 10:30 till 12 o'clock; George P. Denny, Jr., John C. Glidden, John Grant, Daniel Ladd, Joseph P. Lyford, Carlton B. Swift, Jr., and Joseph W. Gardella.
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