Complete refusal to accept University concessions made Wednesday to dining hall employees on wages, hours, and working conditions was decided last night in a convocation of 400 kitchen workers who have joined the A. F. of L. during the last month.
Debate In Secret
In a lengthy meeting held at Cypress Hall in Central Square open discussion was followed by a secret debate among members of the organization. After it was made known that agreement to considerations posted last week on the bulletin boards was not reached, it was indicated that a final decision will be revealed within a few days.
The union signed cards agreeing that the A. F. of L be the medium for collective bargaining with the University. Meanwhile negotiations will still continue between business authorities here and Local 186 and Waitresses Local 112.
Cooks Were Instigators
During the course of the open discussion it was revealed the College cooks had started the movement for better working conditions. A woman labor organizer followed up the remarks by declaring that Harvard workers were "just about as exploited as any people in the nation."
Determination to organize every employee of the College was expressed by another speaker who pointed out that with the help of liberal professors and students a precedent would be established here so as "to make Harvard the example of all other colleges."
Stefani Asks Closed Shop
Josef Stefani, organizer and representative for this district thought the University "a wonderful institution, if only they practiced what they preached." He showed that the wage increase had been accepted by the workers but would have no legal standing with the organization until they were given exclusive bargaining rights.
Another woman pointed out to enthusiasts the desirability of a 30-hour week. "Why not?" she said. "If there is anything you want the union will give it to you." Advantages gained by membership in the group may well provide opportunities for a trip to the Cape, "or perhaps to England or Ireland where your ancestors came from."
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