(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be withheld. Only letters under 400 words can be printed because of space limitations.)
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
The recent upset in the plans for the Leverett-Army Dance has clearly shown the need for some body, suitably empowered, to function as an arbiter in the matter of determining dates and other arrangements for the social activities of the several Houses. The Chairmen of the House Committees have been meeting informally, without an executive, and without any rules of procedure, or secretary to record the minutes of the meetings. Consequently, any decisions arrived at have never been concretely recorded. The House Committees of Houses un-represented at these meetings have not received any notification of the proceedings. This fall one of these informal meetings was held, at which the House Chairmen engaged in a general discussion of social activities for the year.
As a result of a misunderstanding, Leverett House was not informed of this discussion, and started plans for a second dance, to follow the Army game. Having been informed that an agreement existed, Leverett House cancelled its plans and announcements. Several days later it became apparent that no such agreement had been made in the meeting; and Leverett, since it had contracts to fulfill on the dance, decided to go ahead even at this late date. This involved the loss of valuable time in the preparation of the dance, confusion in the minds of the undergraduates, and a probable loss to the Leverett House fund.
Had it not been for the present faulty scheme of inter-House cooperation, the misunderstanding need not have arisen, and its unfortunate results could have been avoided. We feel that immediate steps should be taken to establish a committee, with wider powers, which could bring about efficient cooperation between the Houses.
Edward L. Barnes '38,
Chairman, Leverett House Committee,
Ernest D. Haseltine, Jr. '38,
Chairman, Leverett Dance Committee,
Francis Keppel '38,
Chairman, Eliot House Committee,
Elliott B. Knowlton '38,
Chairman, Lowell House Committee.
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