
Dartmouth Opposes Debaters With Dean Pound Presiding

Contest Will Take Place in Auditorium of Boston Library

Roscoe Pound, former dean of the Harvard Law School, will be chairman of the Harvard-Dartmouth debate on the incorporation of labor union tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the auditorium of the Boston Public Library, Copley Square.

The debate is sponsored by the library and will be open to the public without charge.

The question for discussion will be: "Resolved, that the incorporation of labor unions should be made compulsory." Speaking on the negative side for Harvard will be Rendigs T. Fels '39, of Cincinnati and Donald McDonald '39, of Omahs.

The Dartmouth speakers will be Howard Van Riper '38, of Jersey City, N. J., and Stanley M. Brown '39, of Bradford, N. H.

The judges will include George Roewer and F. W. Carrol, both Boston attorneys
