

With regard to church-going, Harvard men have once more shown themselves to be "Not as other men," and again Harvard University has refused to follow tamely and blindly in the "broad" way of religious indifference. This point Dr. Sperry makes very clear in his annual report on the activities of Memorial Church.

While it cannot be denied that to great many students Memorial Church is still only a place where bells boom early in the morning and throughout the day in stuttering echo to Memorial Hall's throaty clamor, neither can Dr. Sperry's interesting statistics be denied. Unquestionably, each recent year has seen an increase in the number of students participating in Harvard's religious affairs. The reason for this increase is probably a matter of individual progress or taste; it is the trend which is significant.

Harvard is bucking the tide again. The university renowned for its indifference now refuses to be indifferent in the one matter where indifference seems to be the keynote of the collegiate day. This is as it should be. Religion is still a moving factor in human life, although in some parts its struggle is increasingly difficult. The Harvard stand of non-indifference is a fine tribute to the men who have nurtured religion here, and it serves notice that some young men in a university proud of setting unusual styles still refuse to relinquish their high ideals.
