At the regular meeting yesterday of the Board of Overseers, Jerome D. Greene '96 was elected Assistant Secretary of the Board. Greene is also Secretary to the Corporation, and will continue in that capacity after taking over his new position.
Operating from his office at University Hall, Greene will coordinate the contacts between the 47 Committees of the Board and the faculties. His office will serve as a center of information for these Visiting Committees.
Chosen each year by the Board, the Visiting Committees are usually composed of one or two members of the Board and from six to twenty other persons, not necessarily graduates, who have a technical interest in the Departments to be visited.
After exerting their right of inspection, the committees compile a report containing any criticism of the Departments which they feel is necessary to promote their development.
These reports are an official channel through which the Board can communicate its views to the President and Fellows of the University, who are the direct administrators of the Departments.
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