
Yale Finally Capitulates, Forms Shirley Temple Club

Anonymous President Calls Actress "Attractive Little Devil"

Yale has snatched the honor of having the first college Shirley Temple Club in New England right out of Harvard's pocket.

In spite of this honor, the president of the Club still wishes to remain anonymous, but she lives in Davenport College.

"She's an attractive little devil isn't she," he said when asked why the club was started. "Why do you remember what she did in "The Little Colonel'," He had not seen the movie, however.

"We've been besieged with demands for admission, but we can't take everybody," he continued, exhibiting a mimeographed letter announcing that a consignment of four dozen buttons, two dozen photographs, and two dozen Shirley Temple dresses was on its way to the Y. S. T. C. It was signed "Shirley."
