

Yardlings Coached on Fundamentals By Coach Howard Cox in Endeavor To Pick First Squad

Under the direction of Coach Howard Cox, the Yardling hoopmen are stressing fundamentals in preparation for the first game with M.I.T. Freshmen Wednesday, December 8.

The '41 cagers have been drilling on the elements of shooting, passing, pivoting, and dribbling for the last few weeks in the Hemenway Gym. The first scrimmage was held Friday in an attempt to pick out the fifteen out standing men who will compose the first squad. These will be chosen next week, and Skip Stahley will take charge of them.

Coach Cox emphasized the fact that the group of approximately 60 candidates will be divided, not cut. The men remaining after the choice of the first squad are to be organized as the second Freshman team with a schedule of its own. There will be a constant interchange between the top men on the second team and the low men on the first squad.

The Yardlings have a 14 game schedule winding up with the Yale game at New Haven on March 12. Eight of the encounters will be curtain-risers for the Varsity, which will place the Freshmen on display before a much larger crowd than usually attend their games.

Since this is basketball's first year as a major sport, the candidates have displayed a great deal of enthusiasm, and the practices have been very lively.
