

Viereck, Melone, Helmholz, Hall and Alexander Are Recent Harvard Men Who Have Won This Prize

According to a statement from the Dean's Office last night, applications for the Henry Fellowships for 1938-39 must be sent to the office of the Secretary to the Corporation by Wednesday, December 15, 1937.

Seven Henry Folowships will be awarded this year, each tenable for one year at Oxford or Cambridge. Restrictions state that candidates must be unmarried American citizens, while preference will be given to applicants who are College Seniors or who have just started graduate work.

Each candidate must submit evidence of distinction in some recognized branch of learning, and must present definite plan of study to be carried out at Oxford or Cambridge.

The fellowships were established by the will of Lady Julia Henry in order to "cement the bonds of friendship between the British Empire and the United States."

In charge of the American Committee of Management is President Conant. Jerome D. Greene '95, Secretary to the Corporation, and Dean Hanford also represent the University.


Graduates who have been appointed to the Fellowships in recent years are: William W. Foshay '31, David D. Lloyd '31, Garrett Birkhoff '32, Henry C. Hatfield '33, Peter Shuebruk '32, Meyer H. Abrams '34, Cesar L. Barber '35, Thomas H. Hunter '35, George L. Haskins '35, Sidney S. Alexander '36, Robert C. Hall '36, August C, Helmholz, 2nd '36, Neil G. Melone '37, and Peter R. Viereck '37.
