
Varsity Soccer Team Faces Springfield Booters Here

Freshmen to Oppose Worcester This Afternoon Also

No letdown stands in store for the Crimson soccer forces here today in their last formal engagements before Yale next week. At 12:30 o'clock the Varsity meets Springfield, contenders for the league crown, while two hours later the Freshmen meet Worcester Academy.

Both Harvard opponents are undefeated.

The probable home team lineups:

Varsity: g., Williams; r.f., Robie; l.f., Bradley; r.h., Jacobson; c.h., Scott; l.h., Phillips; r.o., Johansen; r.i., Harnden; c., Page; l.i., Motley; l.o., Mendel.

Freshman: g., Hanford; r.f., Davidge; l.f., Oresman; r.h., Barnes; c.h., Zell; l.h., Edgar; r.o., Ives; r.i., Facio; c., Eaton; l.i., Willetts; l.e., Burwell.
