
John R. Tunis '11 Ranks Harvard Sixth In His American College Sport Survey

College Humor Puts Harvard First; Yale Escapes Notice of Statistician

According to the athletic records for 1936. Harvard ranks sixth in a nationwide survey conducted by College Humor's John R. Tunis '11 to determine what universities are "tops" in sports.

Football was not the primary standard of judgment, but all branches of sport were considered. The Crimson won its position chiefly because of the title-winning hockey team, which Tunis calls a hockey "four," the track squad that was second to Cornell in the East, the baseball nine that tied Dartmouth for second in the Ivy League, and several minor sports, especially an undefeated swimming team.

Washington Places First

Washington, with its Olympic crew, Rose Bowl football squad, basketball, swimming, and ski teams took first honors in the selection.

Placing first among the Eastern colleges, Dartmouth only stood fourth in the nation. Tunis put Louisiana State second, Ohio State third, Dartmouth fourth, and Columbia fifth. After Harvard came Stanford, North Carolina, Indiana, and Minnesota.


Where Are the Elis?

Notably among the missing was Yale. No recognition was given the Blue, except that it had "a good eleven and a fine baseball team." Silence smothered Yale's swimming team, shaded last year by Charlie Hutter and his cohorts.

Tunis Himself

Tunis' chief claim to fame is his history of the Harvard Class of '11: "Was College Worthwhile?" He stresses his belief that "the big shots of the gridiron are not the sole test of high athletic calibre".

From the list of the first ten, the Crimson, with the possible exception of Indiana, is the only college that can hold its position without the aid of a top-notch football eleven.

If the schools from the four sections of the country were lined up, the East and the Middle West are tied for first place with three positions apiece, but the quality of the East is better, having places four, five, and six against three, nine, and ten for the Middle West.
