Headed by II. Van Buren Cleveland '38, a committee of undergraduates is sponsoring a Harvard "Congress" to be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday in Emerson 211.
Letters are being sent to every man in the Departments of History, Government, and Economics advising them of the subject, The Connery Wages and Hours Bill, and urging them to attend.
Form of the Congress will be a debate, expected to last three hours. In preparation for it the Committee has available at Lowell H-41 or Winthrop J-33 mimeographed copies of the relevant parts of the bill.
With Cleveland as chairman, the Congress gets under way with a strong speech in favor of the Bill to be followed by one in opposition.
Further Congresses will depend upon the success of the initial one.
The committee is: Cleveland, Lyman B. Burbank '38, Hugh G. Deane '39, Hamilton Q. Dearborn '39, William A. Kirstein '38, and William N. Chambers '39.
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