
Crimson Invites Freshmen To Come Around, See How A Daily Paper Is Planned

Open House on Thursday, Friday and Monday Evenings

Whether or not he's had any previous experience in journalism, every Freshman who has an interest in newspaper work is urged to come around to the CRIMSON building when the first news competition begins a week from tomorrow night.

Covering a Varsity sport and getting to know the coaches and the players; seeing the Deans on important educational problems; interviewing stage stars or just covering a local college lecture: all this the CRIMSON offers to its successful news candidates.

How many people know how much work and planning go into the production of a daily paper? Freshmen who'd like to find out are invited down to open night on Thursday, Friday or Monday nights any time between 8:30 and 10 o'clock.

There they will see the editor of the issue plan the news space allowances; decide what headlines will go over what stories. He will follow a story as it goes downstairs to be set into slugs, slipped into the press forms of the paper.

For men whose bent lies in gathering ads, or who'd rather stand on top of the Stadium and snap Struck scoring a touchdown, there will also be an opportunity to come out when the CRIMSON fall competition starts. And one important thing--it will all be done by Christmas, so that plenty of time is left of midyear exam studying.
