Believed to be one of the few cases of its kind in the records of the University, although the records are not brought to light often, comes the report of a Harvard student who has transferred to Yale.
Formerly a member of the Class of 1940, the man in question, of whom no more will be said by way of definition than that he is a Southerner, now belongs to the Class of 1941 at the New Haven institution. He is not an exchange student. Yale has sent no replacement.
Reason is Doubtful
No certain reason is found for his deviation. Some hold that he is a scout and will be found with the Class of 1942 at Princeton. Others believe that the work of the CRIMSON, with which news board he has also severed connections, proved too arduous.
It could scarcely have been the food here, for the Yale News quotes him as saying the fare in Connecticut is inferior except for the salad in which there are no steel shavings.
Probably the likeliest explanation lies in the fact that his family were all Elis. In deserting Harvard he is only returning to an original allegiance, stronger than the allegiance Harvard claims.
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