


Despite the fact that time has tempered the surprise and disappointment occasioned during the summer months by Dr. Dennett's resignation, the full extent of Williams' loss is made apparent by thoughtful consideration. For three years Dr. Dennett drove himself as hard as any man could to push Williams toward the ideal he set as its goal. Dynamic, farsighted, and attentive to details, he met and solved problems of vital importance to the college. One has only to compare the position held by the college today with that of three years ago to realize the magnitude of the tasks he accomplished. Even undergraduates who murmured resentfully over his academic program have expressed appreciation of the college's progress under his administration. Williams has reason to be grateful to Tyler Dennett.

Williams also has reason to be grateful for the smoothness with which the change was accomplished. If the actual personal transition was achieved with dispatch, it is reassuring that the policy adjustments of the college will be effected with equal case, for Dr. Dennett's friend and successor is in full sympathy with the fundamental program already under way, and contemplates no interruption in administrative continuity. An able man has been succeeded by a capable exponent of the the same faith.

Assuming the mantle of leadership with the perspective gained from a term of distinguished service to Harvard University, the new president falls heir to a program already nursed through a trying period of growing pains. He steps into the driver's seat of an assembled machine which needs only careful guiding and attentive care. As a prominent undergraduate, alumnus, and trustee, Dr. Baxter's traditions are those of Williams. He and Williams should make an excellent match. --The Williams Record.
