

Cello, Bass Sections Show Greatest Promise, as Sodality Searches for Bassoonist

Much good material was discovered at the Pierian Sodality tryouts last week In all 28 men were accepted, which with 32 returning men already registered will give the orchestra a total membership of at least 60 players, including 22 violins, three violas, seven 'cellos, three basses, five flutes, two oboes, five clarinets, four trumpets, three horns, three trombones, two tubas, and two percussion.

Outstanding sections are the cellos and basess, the latter with two men of considerable experience; the former with a man who has studied ten years and given several solo appearances. Chief needs still are for a bassoonist who owns an instrument, and for viola players. Considerable versatility is noted among the players; the head of last year's viola section will be transfered to oboe this year, a horn player has shifted to trumpet, and one man volunteered to play either the flute or the tuba.

The following men have been accepted as members of the Orchestra.

Violins: George S. Dworkin '40, Caroll D. Fearon, Jr. '41, Vlasin Georgian '41, Rowland D. Goodman '39, Herbert Leventhal '40, Edward Petelson 1GB, Louis Schneiderman '40, David R. Simboli '40, Christopher Sotirakis '41, Victor C. Vaughn 3rd '40, Harold White '41.

Violas: David Boyden 1G, C. Russell Phelps 1G.


Cellos: John C. Cobb '41, Jesse Ehrlich '41, Charles P. Swann '41.

Basses: John T. Clarke '41, Jan Reiner 1G.

Flutes: Ingram Bloch '40, James H. Gilbert '40, John P Powelson '41.

Clarinet: Theodore Jacobs '41, Robert J. Leslie '41, Warren T. Vaughn '41, R. P. Wollenberg 2GB.

Trumpet: John A. Fromm 1GB.

Tuba: Robert D. Forsberg '41
