

In three of America's oldest and finest universities tomorrow is more than just the day the Yankees play the Giants again, or the Japs slaughter the Chinese. Other exciting but more progressive events will be holding the center of the stage. For tomorrow Yale, Williams, and Cornell will induct new presidents into office with fitting ceremonies and with high expectations of continuing to develop all that is best in educational circles.

For even one large, well known university or college to install a new head is an event of interest; but for three schools to choose the same day to inaugurate new regimes is unusual. It is not an easy task to find men capable of running institutions worth millions of dollars. The fact that three such men, Charles Seymour at Yale, James Phinney Baxter at Williams, and Edmund Day at Cornell, have shown the necessary qualifications for these exacting positions, is vital in itself. It shows that right now, this year, there are being produced and are available men of highest intellectual type, able to take on and continue the strong policies of the great educators who preceded them.

The induction ceremonies tomorrow will find Harvard well represented. At Williams, Dr. Baxter returns to head his alma mater after seven years here as master of Adams House and as professor of History. His congratulatory address will be given by another great Harvard figure, President-Emeritus A. Lawrence Lowell. Morover, at Cornell, President Conant's speech will help present Dr. Day to his new charges. And to Yale also go Harvard's best wishes as Dr. Seymour replaces retiring Dr. Angell.

Beneath the pomp and ceremony of these three inductions, and far surpasing them in importance, remains a significant, and in these troubled times, a comforting revelation: America can still competently fill its outstanding educational positions. Yale, Williams, and Cornell are demonstrating this tomorrow. Harvard proved it in 1933. And Harvard may be justly proud of its part in producing men of this calibre, capable new men equipped to carry on in the large old shoes.
