
Bach Organ Recitals Will Be Held Here This Winter

Germanic Museum Will Be Scene of 12 New Concerts

Twelve recitals, covering the complete organ literature of Johann Sebastain Bach, will be given by E. Power Biggs at the Germanie Museum during the current year, it was announced yesterday.

The concerts are divided into two groups of six, beginning on Monday evening November 1, and for five Mondays thereafter, and the second series starting on March 7th and continuing for five weeks thereafter, except that one concert will be on Friday, April 1, instead of the following Monday.

Admittance to the resitals will be by subscription only, the price for the group of twelve being $10. They may be obtained at the Germanic Museum.

A special organ designed by G. Donald Harrison and loaned to the Germanic Museum for a year will be used. Built by the Acolian-Skinner Organ Company of Boston, it is planned after the great classical instruments of the 18th century, on which Bach played, and for which he wrote most of his music.
