

Now that President Roosevelt has decided to assemble his speeches and writings in published form his critics and supporters will have an indisputable record of hopes and professions which they can denounce or praise. Mr. Hamilton may with more assurance renew his recital of promises unfulfilled, and the White House Camarilla may with more frequency follow the Chief Executive's announced objectives. With President Conant finishing four years that have seen the inauguration of new theories and the outbreak of a few controversies, it would be helpful to have a compilation of Mr. Conant's more important addresses under some title like "The Fundamental Orders of Harvard."

Speeches on the "Role of Privately Endowed Colleges" and "The Service of the University to the Community" might lie in their chiseled correctness next to the more controversial Hanfstaengl correspondence and Dr. Conant's letter to the Overseers on the Walsh-Sweezy case. Hard by would be the vital messages on "The Inaugural of the Littauer School," "University Profess ships" and an "Athletic Endowment." This volume would also contain President Conant's cheery greetings to bewildered Freshmen and his closing speeches to mellowed alumni.

With such an authorative blueprint before them alumni could measure the progress Harvard has achieved since maturity forced them to place business before beer. And interested students might examine the mechanism that is preparing them for the varied responsibilities of the future.
