Two photographers wandered into Langdell Hall during the last week of September and stayed in the vicinity of the Law School for the better part of a week. During this stay they took candid and regular shots of all sorts of subjects ranging from Dean Landis down to a pile of law books.
The results of this effort was made apparent yesterday when Life magazine came out with no less than eight full pages devoted to the Law School. Entitled the "Incubator of Greatness," the article declares that "the work is hard but the rewards are high."
"The Bull"
Practically all the outstanding members of the Law School faculty are pictured. Edward H. Warren '11, professor of Law, who, Life says, "is called 'The Bull' because he looks, walks, and bellows like one," was not snapped in the flesh, however. For Warren told the photographers that "if you bother me, I'll punch you on the nose." They took only a photograph of his portrait.
Vagabonded in Classes
Life's men made themselves very much at home during their visit. They wandered freely around the halls and sat in vacant chairs at classrooms. With the cooperation of Law School officials, they were able to produce an accurate and complete picture of Law School work. The candid shot of Dean Landis lecturing and two artistic views of the Langdell Hall pillarn feature the series.
Captions for the pictures, as well as most of the material for the story, was supplied to the photographers by willing students. Law Review men gave special aid in the project.
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