
Five Teams Will Compete In Open Intercollegiate Cross Country Run This Afternoon

Race Will Be Run Over Regular Course Ending at Newell

Five Teams will this afternoon at 3:15 o'clock compete in the tenth Harvard Open Intercollegiate Cross Country Run. Bowdoin, New Hampshire, Vermont, Springfield, and Harvard have entered teams.

Those eligible to run in the Intercollegiate Meet are those college men who have not competed in the I.C.A.A.A.A. cross country championships, and who have not finished tenth or better in the sectional championships.

The race will be run over the regular flat course, approximately four and a half miles long, starting on the riverbank at the junction of Memorial Drive and Boylston Street on the Cambridge side of the river and finishing at the Newell Boat House on the Boston side.

The first five men of a team who finish will be counted for the team's score, and the trophy will be awarded on a team score basis. The winning team will have possession of the trophy for the ensuing year. Permanent possession will go to the college whose team wins the trophy for three successive years. In addition there will be prizes for individual winners and a placque for the college sending the greatest number of entries to the starting line.

Coach Jaakko Mikkola yesterday announced the Harvard entries as follows: Peter C. Brooks '40; Richard W. Burnett '40; Edward S. Childs '40; Hamilton H. Daughaday, Jr. '40; Edward Lichtig, Jr. '39; Albert E. Lindsay '38; Steven L. Madey '40; Langdon W. Mead '39; Clifford D. Stevens '40; George H. Wadsworth '40; John C. Wells '40; Frederic L. P. White '39; Rolla D. Campbell, Jr. '41; Lee A. Dimond '41; Charles D. B. Howell '41; Stephen McGrath '39; David H. Mitchell '41; Joseph R. McLoughlin '41; Robert B. Nichols '41; Charles H. Oldfather '41; L. F. Stowell '41.


The eight Varsity men so far chosen to run against Yale and Princeton a week from today will not run in the Intercollegiates. From today's run two more Varsity men will be picked to make up the full quota for the triangle meet next week. The eight so far on the team are Roswell Brayton '39; John W. Erhard '38; George P. Gardner '39; Alexander C. Northrop 38; Frank L. Porter, Jr. '40; Francis M. Rivinus, Jr. '38; W. Pen Tuttle, Jr. '40; William H. Wright, Jr. '38
