
Dunster Man Makes Bet, Starts Long 300 Mile Trek to Princeton on Bicycle

Bulletin Oct, 29, 1 A. M.--Eugene Buder started from Dunster House on schedule, cheered by 50 admirers. He was averaging 15 m.p.h. through Wellesley for the first hour.

Late reports indicated that Eugene H. Buder '38, would depart for Princeton, New Jersey this morning on his bicycle as planned.

Buder, a resident of Dunster House, said that he was pedaling to the Tiger stronghold as the result of a wager with six of his friends. The conditions of the bet are that he must arrive in Princeton in time for the kickoff of the game; that he must accept no "hitches" on the way down; that he may not leave Dunster earlier than 12:01 o'clock this morning.

Interviewed early last night as he was preparing to retire for some premarathon rest, Buder, a CRIMSON editor, seemed supremely confident that he would successfully negotate the 800 miles inside of 38 hours. He will make the trip on an English-type wheel with gear-shift and hand-brakes.

In a formal statement to the CRIMSON, Buder said, "I really regard this tenture as a bit of exercise. I'm getting a little sluggish the financial end of it is merely a minor inducement." He went on to say that the major inducement for him in his love of bicycling. Buder has already gained attention by his 95 mile ride to Smith College last year. Concerning this trip he commented. "It took a pretty long day to get there."

Opposed By A Syndicate


A syndicate headed by Charles Gilliland '38 is offering the financial "minor inducement" to Buder. Asked for a statement regarding the syndicates forecast on the outcome of the venture, Gilliland said, "We don't think he'll get past Wellesley."

When informed that bicycle riding in forbidden on the Westchester County (New York) system of parkways Buder declared that he would travel by way of the Bear Mountain bridge. He was uncertain about this route, too. "They'll let me across the Bear Mountain bridge, won't they?" he asked.

Chocolate bars for quick-energy food and an alarm clock will be the principle items in Buder's kit. His last words before retiring for some rest were, "It's going to be a lot of fun." He admitted, then that there is only one way the bet can be called off--if he gets arrested for speeding
