
News from the Houses

Bellboys Bury Eliot's Bowl Bid Boast by Score of 21-0

Eliot House hopes for a Rose Bowl bid were dashed yesterday afternoon as an air-minded Lowell aggregation buried them under a 21-0 score before the largest crowd of the House football season so far. Lowell's win put them in a tie with Kirkland for the league lead and dropped the hitherto undefeated Elephants into a tie with Leverett for second place.

The Eliot eleven opened their bag of tricks early in the fray, trying a sleeper play right after they had received the opening kickoff. The play failed, however, and on fourth down the Elephants fumbled the ball due to a poor pass from center, and the Lowell team chalked up a safety.

In the second period Bellboy captain Ralph Murphy tossed a short, flat pass to left half Harold Pinansky, and the latter proceeded to run for a touchdown. The second Eliot fumble of the game had set the ball in position for scoring play.

Another flat toss from Murphy to Pinansky was also good for the second Lowell score. Ace kicker Arnie Litt missed conversion, as he did also after the first touchdown.

Late in the fourth quarter the Elephants decided that they would give the Bellboys some of their own medicine and tried a short, flat pass. But Lowell's fullback, Pug Piper, intercepted the heave and romped down the field to tally. The final point was rung up on a line plunge.


The lineups: ELIOT  LOWELL Hunsaker l.e.  l.e. Sullivan Uihlein l.t.  l.t. Call Blaine l.g.  l.g. Reppun Batchelder c.  c. Kelley Preario r.g.  r.g. Cotton Read r.t.  r.t. Litt Levin r.e.  r.e. Kernan Trope q.b.  q.b. Murphy Oates f.b.  f.b. Piper White l.h.b.  l.b. Gooder Eaton r.b.  r.b. Pinanski

Jacobson, Clayman, Blum, Schutzer, Westheimer, Rogers, Conroy, Pirnie, Carlson, Hunter.

In the two games of touch football played yesterday, Lowell scored a lopsided 8-0 victory over Winthrop, while Kirkland downed Dunster 4-1.
