What really happens in the melee that awiris around the goal posts following every major game regardless of the outcome, was revealed yesterday when it was learned that a pickpocket had been arrested while emptying the pockets of Mark R. Evart '41.
The arrested man was given a six months sentence in Cambridge court yesterday and it was learned at the same time that he was the second thief to be arrested for pocket picking during the goal post crushes. Earlier in the year a bunglar at the trade missed his grasp for a lady's purse and found himself challenging here for her hat which she was carying in her hand at the time. The police took this offender in few.
In addition to the loss of property entailed, considerable damage is done to life and limb, as the free swinging arms and legs viewed from the top of the stadium would indicate.
The weekly mob at the goal posts is considered as particularly choice territory by most experienced pick pocket artists. All people in the mob expect to be jostled and in the process of pushing it is extremly simple for an accomplished law breaker to extract a wallet, ciggrette case, or the like
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