
No Atheists at Harvard, But College Worships in 39 Well-Assorted Ways

Shintoists, Taoistz, Mennonites, Sun-worshippers Are Among Various Sects

Harvard contains no avowed atheists, but its cosmopolitanism, multiplicity and variety are perhaps most strikingly reflected in the many different religious sects which are found within the University.

The 39 Sects

A total of 39 denominations is represented, ranging in size from one with 827 adherents to many which claim only one worshipper apiece. Among the latter group are to be found a good assortment of rare creeds and unusual cults. Right in our midst there are a proud and effulgent sun-worshipper, a Taoist, a Shintoist, a Calvinist of Science, a Swedenborgian, and representatives of the Covenant Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Armenian Apostolic Church.


Preliminary statistics from Phillips Brooks House, compiled from the records of religious affiliation obtained at registration, give the numerical representation of the various sects as follows: Baptist  157 Buddhist  4 Catholic  747 Christian Church  42 Christian Science  108 Congregational  410 Disciples of Christ  4 Dutch Reform  8 Episcopalians  469 Ethical Culture  2 Greek Orthodox  13 Jewish  827 Jewish Reformed  11 Lutheran  87 Methodist and Methodist Episcopal  258 Mormon  24 Mohammedan  3 Presbyterian  456 Protestant  226 Quaker (Friends)28 Unitarian  448


One-Man Groups

Groups which claim not over one representative apiece include: People's Church Interdenominational), Lingnan Community Church, Lingnan, China, Mennonite, Dissenter, Evangelical Reformed, Swedenborgian, First Brethren Church, Temple Emanuel, Covenant Church, Eastern Orthodox, Sun-worshipper, St. George Church, Syrian Orthodox Church, Brooklyn Ethical Culture Society, Humanism, Moravian, Plymouth Brethren, the Reformed Church, and the United School of Christianity.

Graduate Schools Too

The above statistics include members of the College, Law School, Medical School, Business School, and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. They are substantially accurate, but cannot be complete until data is obtained for every student, which is not yet quite the case.
