

President, Vice-President Are Elected At Initial Meeting of Intra-Mural Council Last Night

Wiley E. Mayne '38 and William J. Moore '38 were elected president and vice-president respectively of the inter-House Athletic Council at the first meeting of the body last night. The Council was formed as the controlling group in intramural athletics as a part of the new House program this year.

Mayne is athletic secretary of Kirkland House, while Moore holds the same position in Leverett House. Members of the Council include the other six House secretaries, William J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics, Adolph W. Sambovski '25, Director of Intramural Athletics, and Clarence H. Haring '07, Master of Dunster House. James P. Baxter, former Master of Adams House, was originally scheduled to hold the House Master position on the Council, but his appointment to the presidency of Williams occasioned the naming of Professor Haring.

After the election of officers, the Council appointed a committee to investigate the eligibility rules of House track and swimming. Ronald R. Boyd '38, secretary of Lowell House, Paul Massik '38, secretary of Dudley Hall, and Moore were chosen for the committee.

Statistics showing that participation in House Sports had increased over 100 per cent were brought forward to the Council. The next meeting is scheduled for November 15.
