The Harvard Student Union will continue its affiliation with the National organization for another year.
By a large majority vote but only after considerable debate an affiliating resolution was passed by a gathering of 62 members in Brooks House last night.
At the same time the Union moved the following second resolution:
"Resolved: That the Harvard Student Union strongly urge the next National Convention of the American Student Union to amend the American Student Union constitution to the effect that: The National Executive Committee take no major action and express itself on no major issue until given explicit permission by the National Convention or the member chapters through referendum."
A third point, the payment of dues to the National organization, was settled with the agreement that as in the past the Harvard chapter should forward $.50 for each regularly enrolled member.
Presiding and introducing the speakers was H. Van Buren Cleveland '38.
Leaders who presented reports were Louis LeF. Sutro '38, president, for the history, constitution, and program of the national body; Sherman J. Maisel '39, for the Harvard treasury; Laurence S. Levy '39 for the local enrollment; Robert E. Lane '39, for the Labor Committee; and Jose K. P. de Varen '38, for the newly organized Practical Politics Committee.
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