
New York Now Center of Alumni, But Boston Still Has View of Buildings

Harvard Has Broader Geographic Distribution Than Yale; Has Not Covered Uganda

Boston, the traditional seat of Harvard learning, has lost the title of the seat of most Harvard graduates to its western "rival," New York City.

This distressing fact is a step towards a more even geographical distribution of graduates, and in comparing the Yale and Harvard Alumni Directories, the latter tends to have a greater proportion of its graduates listed in the west or abroad.

The respective numbers of graduates listed are 67,676 for Harvard and 42,909 for Yale, a ratio of 11 to seven.

New York Climbs Fast

The 5980 Harvard graduates in Boston constitute a lot of Boston but are not equal to the 6440 in New York. This lead has been gained since the last directory was published in 1934. There are 5700 Yale graduates in New York to 655 in Boston. New Haven has sent 3150 sons to Yale, while Cambridge has sent 1840 to Harvard.


Chicago is well represented in both institutions, with 1280 from Harvard and 1050 from Yale. Philadelphia is one-sided with 1170 men from Harvard and only 500 from Yale. Los Angeles and San Francisco have 800 and 525 resepctively from Harvard and 400 and 275 from Yale.

Newtons Figure

The respective Crimson and Blue affiliations in other important New England cities are as follows: Newton, 360 to 20; Newton Center, 280 to 26; Newton Highlands, 85 to 4; Newtonville, 160 to 19; Newton Lower Falls, 4 to 2; Newton Upper Falls, 7 to 1; and West Newton, 130 to 8. Fig Newton was not listed.

Harvard generally led by a good margin in Europe, for the score in England was 275 to 152 and in France 228 to 94. Representation was about equal proportionally in Japan, where there are 210 Harvard-gin and 145 Yale-gin. In China Yale has 265 graduates to Harvard's 270.

Harvard, with 11 graduates in Siam, towers above Yale's one, but Yale counters with one graduate in Uganda, where Harvard men only go to hunt wild animals.
